Vera Dickerson

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Summer Adult Classes


Glorious Colorwith Vera Dickerson
3 classes: June 3–5 • 9:00 a.m.–Noon • $100
Celebrate the glorious color of late spring and summer.This class focuses on the use of mid-value hues to create color relations in their purest state. Bring photo reference of your choice. I will be using flowers as my subject. Acrylics on canvas or sealed water color paper. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.register_button

Portraitwith Vera Dickerson
4 classes: June 13, 14, 17 & 18 • 9:00 a.m.–Noon • $135
Bring a good reference photo and a photo copy of it as your guide. We will then develop a to scale drawing, followed by a painting from your drawing. Acrylics on canvas or sealed watercolor paper. Use the form at left to contact Vera for supply list.register_button


Painting on Aluminum Panelswith Vera Dickerson  This Class is Full
2 classes: July 8 & 9 • 9:00 a.m.–Noon • $70 • Our surface, 9 x 12 sheet metal from CJAS
It’s become a frequent thing to see photos printed on metal sheets, so let’s try painting with acrylics on the silvery surface.That luminous metal shines through transparent dye colors and adds an extra zing to the depth of our art. 9″ x 12″ aluminum panel for each participant. All subject matter welcomed. Class limited to 8 people. Supply fee of $10 to Vera for the aluminum panel. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.


Long Skinny Paintingswith Vera Dickerson This Class is Full
August 5 & 6 • 9:00 a.m.–Noon • $70 (Plus supply fee of $10 to Vera for canvas)
We will stretch canvas on a 15″ x 44″ frame, gesso it and develop a long horizontal or tall vertical composition. Bring photo reference, house paint trim brush, staple gun, extra staples and your acrylic paints. Class size limited. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.

Abstractions from Realitywith Vera Dickerson
August 13 & 14 • 9:00 a.m.–Noon • $70
Create an abstract painting using photos of aged metal, wood and other interesting surfaces. When you have these specific images, seeing the composition becomes easier and a very visually entertaining painting is ready to come to life. Acrylics on canvas or sealed watercolor paper. Register early so you can receive suggestions about where to take photos. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.register_button

Fall Adult Classes

Mixed Media

Autobiographic Artwith Vera Dickerson
8 classes: Tuesday, September 3–October 29 • 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. | No class October 15 • Same class: Thursday, September 5–October 31 • 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. | No class October 17 • $270
The art we make rings true when it expresses our personal desires, memories and history. In these eight weeks, we will make use of family history (my grandparents in the example here), our own experiences and a visual projection of ideas that express us as individuals. So this may involve photo references, but also gives permission to imagine and create. You may find something quite serious, but also consider the humor that’s possible. Demos and critiques. Use the form at left to contact Vera with questions.register_button